About Us

What Drives US

Childcare Resource Management is dedicated to empowering and supporting parents of autistic children by providing a comprehensive range of toys specifically designed to foster their child’s development. With the founder’s firsthand experience in educating autistic children, we understand the unique challenges faced by parents, and our mission is to be their trusted resource for high-quality, educational toys that promote engagement, sensory exploration, and growth for their autistic children.

Childcare Resource Management is here to make learning fun for autistic kids! We are all about empowering parents and teachers to create inclusive and engaging educational experiences. With our expert knowledge and a wide range of toys and resources, we help parents find the perfect tools for their child’s development. For teachers we offer curriculum-aligned materials and support to make classrooms inclusive and exciting. Childcare Resource Management is the go-to resource for making learning a joyful adventure for autistic kids everywhere!

We believe that all early learners should have access to care and education. We know that children that are in your care are your first and only priority. No manufacturers pay us anything for anything. We don’t get free products or even as much as a free hat from them.

If you’re getting any toys, games, books, or anything, merely purchasing from this website when you order anything from any country is the most significant help.

When you purchase, we get credit regardless of what you get or from what country you order, and you pay not a penny more, and probably much less than retail. I’ve been buying from Amazon myself for many years (or decades!) and had great results. That’s why I so strongly recommend it.

Even though you are not paying us directly, the profit comes from Amazon; I’m 100% supported by your actions: the checks are based entirely on what you choose to do or not. Thank you!

If you’re outside the USA, when you get to any of the Amazon pages, scroll down to the very bottom of Amazon’s page and click on your country. The other sales ship worldwide. Just look at their sites or ask them. Based in the USA, many of my readers are overseas, and these places ship all over, at great USA prices.

Some folks have asked if it helps us when you purchase from my Amazon store. Can you get things other than child care products?


Use our website to get your stationery, child care furniture, clothes, electronics, music, books, wristwatches, cell phones, baby-diapers, doggy-diapers, T.Vs, or whatever!,

Ditto for YouTube. Use this link (Coming Soon). Once you subscribe to our channel and click the thumbs up because you liked what you saw, this also supports our endeavors to keep the website up.

We have no idea how this stuff works, and we don’t track it, but I know the support we get from all of you great people using our website to purchase from Amazon when you get your stuff is what keeps this site going.

That’s why we have so much fun doing this: we write about child development and childcare management; it intrigues me and whatever I think is helpful, with only your long-term best interests at heart. Where else can you read about the stages of early child development and have someone tell you what to expect from your bundle of joy in each early developmental stage, or to buy the cheapest products instead of the most expensive.




Childcare Resource Management