6 Super Educational Toys for Toddler’s 1-2 Years

Of all the milestones walking independently marks the end of babyhood and the start of a much more dynamic part of a child’s life. This occurs in 1- 2 years when besides walking baby also tries to run and move up and downstairs. As the baby enters a new phase, his needs also change in all manners. One thing that is common in all phases is the love of kids for toys. So what you get for your kids at this age regarding toys, let’s have a look!


Kids love to walk around with their toys, particularly at this age. They like to have a string attached to their toys like vehicles, which gives them a feeling of ownership. This shows how much they care for their things, and it plays a vital role in their emotional development.


Knowledge of kids for shapes becomes more precise by this age, and they gain the ability to pick and choose accurate shapes for puzzles. This geometric shape puzzle will help kids increase their intelligence level and become more precise in their choices.


Where the baby is growing physically, he also grows mentally and emotionally. He observes things closely and tries to understand them. These sorts of games make them understand things more deeply and find the logic behind them.


Coloring and marking things is the most favorite hobby of kids. All you have to do is to give them a coloring pencil and a book to mark. This reusable pad has the advantage of being used again and again by only using water as a color. When water comes in contact with a pad, a beautiful picture appears, making the baby surprised. They love it!



Some small acts are building blocks for kid’s development. For example, playing with objects that need to get matched makes their minds run, helping in brain development.



Matching and fixing blocks in a proper shape is also an essential aspect of brain development. This gives children a chance to shape their thoughts, which makes them more expressive.

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